Well, a lot has changed in my life.
On a personal level, I have faced a great deal of upheaval in my life. I'm sure this happens to everyone eventually.
I have enjoyed collecting for most of my life. If you read anything I wrote, you already know that. In that time, family has passed on, friends faded away, and significant others departed for greener pastures. I remain.
And the books remain, too...
Not just comic books. Pulps and novels too. Paper and Hardback. I have read more than I own, in almost every genre. Even Manga.
Along the way of my life's journey, Comics Books became huge in the movie and television business. This left some people, those without a sense of wonder or imagination, wondering what the allure was for the public. If they don't get it, they likely never will.
My feelings about it are pretty simple: we need heroic tales to give up hope and courage to face life. We need escapism from the slavery of working. We need to evolve into our best selves, and comic books generate ideas.
Comic Books did all these things for me growing up.
And they still do.
How long will comic books last?
Just like any other form of art, Sequential Art is eternal. Putting pictures with words started in caveman days.
Oh, publishing will always be struggling. The fortunes of that profession changes with every generation. Digital media will ensure that comics live forever. There will always be a store somewhere that sells comic books.And some people will always want to collect comic books.
Books are tangible.
They have value to the reader or collector, whether they are valuable in a monetary sense or not...
I am humbled by this lightning in my soul that comic books created...
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