Sure, pulp wood paper tended to yellow more from age, but if you found a copy of Fantastic Four 13 in your grandma's attic, would you turn your nose up and throw it way, because its not fine quality white paper with a card stock cover?
Only if you were a complete fool.....
I have been fortunate to have made a true online friend in the internet age. My friend, Richard and I both met on Yahoo and Ebay, when we were trying to make a buck on old comics, and improve our own collections. We sold stuff to each other. He is great guy to buy from sell to, but in real life, he's really just a great guy. You see, Richard and I are respectively ten years apart, with him being older, and somewhat more literate. I wax poetical on here about comics, but Richard is a real life writer of books and newspapers; he paints with words. Now, long after Yahoo Auctions turned to dirt, and Ebay saunters toward its declining years, Richard and I are still in constant contact. Our love for comics is one of the ties that binds us together.
Together, we are living fans representing the Silver and Bronze Age of comics. He is probably the best friend I have right now, even though, we have never actually met in person.
The morale of this story? Comic Books bring people together.
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