Sporting one of the least imaginative covers The Amazing Spider-man 121....The legendary end of Gwen and the last story signifying the end of the Silver Age Spider-man.
In case you don't know the story, or you base your history on the film based on the story, Gwen, Spidey's long time ball and chain, gets knocked off the Brooklyn Bridge by the Green Goblin, who laughs maniacally after Spidey's webbing snaps Gwen's neck.
As horrible as it seemed at the time, I kinda wished she would have got tossed off twenty issues earlier.
Because non-superhero girlfriends (and wives) are a drag in every male superhero's life. They just complicate things, and the whining, the constant railing about running late, blah blah blah. Superman has it worse. By the time Gwen took the plunge, Lois Lane had be dragging him down for over 30 years. I guess it took me a long time to realize, but if your girl has no super powers except super bitching, you might want to see if Wonder Woman is busy Saturday night.
Spidey loses his girl in this issue, but regains his freedom for a while, ends up with Mary Jane, and starts that on again, off again cycle that defines their relationship. A few years ago, someone decided that a married Peter Parker was not appealing to teens, especially teen girls, so MJ went away again. The 1970s was really the best time of Pete's romance with Mary Jane. But then, everyone loved Mary Jane back in those days....
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